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    动漫 黄龍の耳 美那の章

    黄龍の耳 美那の章


    • 片名:黄龍の耳 美那の章
    • 状态:已完结
    • 主演:未知
    • 导演:汤山邦彦/
    • 年份:1995
    • 地区:日本
    • 类型:日韩动漫/
    • 时长:内详
    • 上映:未知
    • 语言:日语
    • 更新:2024-12-10 03:25
    • 简介:  * Based on the manga by Inoue Noriyoshi, which has also had a SNES game spin-off.  Natsume Kiroemon is the 45th leader of the Natsume family to inherit the Kouryuu no Mimi, a tool which gives its bearer easy access to wealth and women. As a result of his father's death, he leaves the Italian monastery where he had been training and to rightfully take on the name Natsume Kiroemon as well as the power of the Kouryuu no Mimi. Upon his return to Japan, he falls in love with Kanako, one of the members of the rival Mina family. However, the evil hand of the Mina family attacks Natsume repeatedly and abducts Kanako. But now that Natsume has unlocked the seal, making the Kouryuu's power surge, he can strike back at the Mina family.
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    首页 动漫 日本动漫 黄龍の耳 美那の章


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      * Based on the manga by Inoue Noriyoshi, which has also had a SNES game spin-off.  Natsume Kiroemon is the 45th leader of the Natsume family to inherit the Kouryuu no Mimi, a tool which gives its bearer easy access to wealth and women. As a result of his father's death, he leaves the Italian monastery where he had been training and to rightfully take on the name Natsume Kiroemon as well as the power of the Kouryuu no Mimi. Upon his return to Japan, he falls in love with Kanako, one of the members of the rival Mina family. However, the evil hand of the Mina family attacks Natsume repeatedly and abducts Kanako. But now that Natsume has unlocked the seal, making the Kouryuu's power surge, he can strike back at the Mina family.


    • 更新至09集
      3.0 中村栞奈/石川界人/
    • 更新至10集
    • 第19集
      8.0 七海弘希/内田真礼/丰崎爱生/木村良平/齐藤壮马/高田忧希/黑泽朋世/松冈祯丞/羽多野涉/伊藤静/乃村健次/稻田彻/高垣彩阳/铃木爱奈/津田健次郎/野上尤加奈/东地宏树/
    • 更新至19集
      6.0 七海弘希/内田真礼/丰崎爱生/木村良平/齐藤壮马/高田忧希/黑泽朋世/松冈祯丞/羽多野涉/伊藤静/乃村健次/稻田彻/高垣彩阳/铃木爱奈/津田健次郎/野上尤加奈/东地宏树/
    • 更新至09集
      2.0 内田秀/户谷菊之介/井泽诗织/日野麻里/橘龙丸/土岐隼一/贯井柚佳/真野步/名冢佳织/古川慎/
    • 第800集
      4.0 鳕子/青野武/茶风林/柏仓敦/菊池正美/水谷优子/田野惠/飞田展男/
    • 第1203集
      6.0 高山南/山崎和佳奈/神谷明/小山力也/林原惠美/山口胜平/田中秀幸/岛本须美/绪方贤一/堀川亮/松井菜樱子/宫村优子/岩居由希子/大谷育江/高木涉/高岛雅罗/堀之纪/立木文彦/小山茉美/三石琴乃/置鲇龙太郎/日高范子/池田秀一/古谷彻/
    • 更新至21集
      6.0 上村祐翔/Y?to/Uemura/永濑安奈/Anna/Nagase/浦和希/Ura/Kazuki/大铃功起/ōsuzu/Kōki/三上枝织/Shiori/Mikami/中岛由贵/Y?ki/Nakajima/小野大辅/笠间淳/森岛秀太/蓝原琴美/青木志贵/熊谷健太郎/大桥贤一郎/津田健次郎/寺崎裕香/熊谷俊辉/丹羽哲士/铃代纱弓/石川界人/川岛如惠留/白井悠介/日笠阳子/
    • 更新至10集
      4.0 铃木崚汰/上坂堇/本渡枫/若山诗音/水树奈奈/安济知佳/岛田敏/
    • 更新至09集
      3.0 逢坂良太/铃木崚汰/谷江玲音/坂泰斗/鬼头明里/高野洸/绫坂晴名/榊原优希/杉田智和/光富崇雄/日向朔公/森奈奈子/堀江瞬/岩崎谅太/福山润/苍井翔太/前野智昭/森永千才/柳原哲也/




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